
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Xbox One


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Mega Man 11 Xbox One

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Availability: In Stock
Platform: Xbox One
Genre: Action,Adventure
Please Click here for further classification details.
Ex Tax: $29.95

Mega Man has been equipped with the experimental “Mystery Gear”.

Salvaged from the wreckage of a mysterious, unidentified robot, this object has been crafted using techniques beyond even Dr. Light’s comprehension, and has a mysterious power that rapidly raises a robot’s performance.

But during Dr. Light’s analysis of the Mystery Gear, his laboratory comes under attack from none other than the evil Dr. Wily! Dr. Wily snatches up all the robots stored in the lab and escapes to the skies.

“This gear has the power to change the world!

No one can stop my global domination this time!”

Can  Mega Man thwart Dr. Wily’s ambitions?!

Who is the mysterious new robot?! What in the world is the Mystery Gear?!


Exhilarating new gameplay elements make for an authentic sequel with that classic Mega Man flavor!

Gameplay as Mega as it gets!

Jump and shoot your way through the challenges of side-scrolling action!

Daunting enemies

Each game in the series has offered greater and greater difficulty, with later titles giving the sense of being extremely challenging.

This game will continue the tradition, offering a balance that values the original ideology of the Mega Man series: “It’s tough, but if I just keep playing I know I can beat it!”

Fun weapons

Strategy is the name of the game when it comes to Mega Man.

Using elemental relationships surpassed language and culture like “fire is weak to water.” Yet as the series went on, these elemental relationships became much harder to understand, leading to a lot of trial-and-error.

In this title the focus will be on making these relationships easier to discover, in an effort to eliminate gameplay that frustrates players’ progress.

Power Gear

Improves Mega Buster functionality, pumping up the power of Buster shots!

Speed Gear

Improves Mega Man’s physical functionality, speeding him up until everything around him seems to move in slow motion!

Dual Gear

When your HP dips below a certain level, it’s time for a comeback! The strongest gear, boosting both power and speed!

Managing the Gear Gauge lets players open up more strategic ways to play!

Power Gear / Speed Gear

Focus energy into the Buster system! Blast away everything with your overwhelming power!

Focus energy into the drive system. Slow down your surroundings with your manipulation of speed!

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